Level 2 Skills Clinic

Level 2 Skills Covered: “Intermediate and Level Up Skills”

Already a mountain biker? Looking to improve your technical riding skills, descend a little faster and ready to generally feel more confident on your bike?  The Level 2 Skills Clinic builds upon the fundamentals in Level 1. Giving you the foundation to build your mountain bike skills that you can apply to any terrain, in any location, and in any conditions: whether it is a gnarly back country trail or your local trail system. If so, you have come to the right place!  Leave this clinic ready to tackle single-track with greater speed and control. We will spend time working on body positioning, multiple bike lifts, and technical cornering. It is all about the fundamentals that will help you ride how you want to ride! The level 2 skills clinic will help you expand your riding ability and help you to be a safer and faster rider. This clinic does require our level 1 Skills Clinics.

  • Foot Wedge
  • Front and Rear Wheel Lifts
  • Level Wheel Lift and Progressions
  • Track Stand & Ratcheting
  • Intro to Cornering

Obstacles included in this Clinic:

  • Cones
  • Land Waves

Min Rider is 4 per Clinic and Max Riders per Clinic: 10

Adult Rates: $100 – $140

Youth Rates: $80 – $110

Prices have a range due to location and other associated fees to the event.  

Prerequisite: Must complete Level 1 and/or be approved for level 2 skills clinic.

Clinics range from 2 – 2.5 hours in length.