Level 1 Skills Covered: “Foundations of Mountain Biking”
Are you an adult that is new to mountain biking and looking for some help getting started? Have you been riding for many years but never had any skills instruction? Or do you find yourself riding the same trail in the same old way? Are you looking for a refresher of the fundamentals? Then check out our Level 1 Skills Clinic! It focuses on the fundamentals and is the perfect place for riders of ALL abilities! Whether you are new to mountain biking or a seasoned veteran, our Level 1 Skills Clinic provides the fundamentals that will put an entirely new spin on your riding! YES, this clinic is great for beginners, BUT it is truly a focus on the foundations of mountain biking that will improve riders of all levels and experience.
- Body Positioning – Bike and Body Separation
- Foot Wedge and Balance
- Braking
- Bike Dismounts and Remounts
- Ratcheting and low Speed corners
Obstacles included in this Clinic:
- Cones… so many cones!
- Teeter Totter
Min Rider is 5 per Clinic and Max Riders per Clinic: 12
Adult Rates: $80 – $120
Youth Rates: $60 – $90
Prices have a range due to location and other associated fees to the event.
Clinics range from 2 – 2.5 hours in length.